

讲座题目:Content and Language Integrated Learning: Decoding Male and Female Images in Advertising as Critical Engagement(内容和语言的融合性学习:通过思辨性活动解码英语广告中的男女形象)。

主 讲 人:汕头大学 文学院院长  毛思慧教授



讲座摘要:Advertising is an interdisciplinary artifact which is constructed with verbal and pictorial elements that function as signifiers generating feelings, beliefs, hopes, desires and fantasies in those who look at it. In the postmodern context, advertising is more concerned with cultural representations of the advertisement than any qualities of the product that it tries to sell. In the signifying system of advertising, the human body becomes a source and a locus of meanings that takes on a wide semantic range: a biological entity, a cultural product and a psycho-sexual construction. This presentation will focus on the decoding of a collection of male and female images from contemporary flat advertisements from a feminist critical perspective. A detailed analysis of those stereotypical and subversive images will demonstrate the role of advertising as a visual language in making what is social and constructed seem ‘natural’, highlighting the complexity of power relations in visual representations and the ideological base of supposedly ‘neutral’ or ‘mainstream’ linguistic and cultural interpretations. In the transformed TESOL classroom where content and language integrated learning takes place, advertising as “motivated representation”, like other forms of visual culture such as photographic and cinematic texts, can be fruitfully employed not only to improve the learners’ language proficiency but also sharpen their critical awareness and cultural sensitivity.

Keywords: Integrated learning, representation, male and female images, advertising, power relation, critical discourse, cultural sensitivity


毛思慧先后获广州外国语学院英语语言文学学士、英美文学硕士、英国兰开斯特大学当代文学文化研究硕士、香港大学比较文学 (电影文化) 研究博士。先后担任广东外语外贸大学英语文学文化研究教授、英语语言与文化专业博士研究生导师、英文学院院长,国际译联(FIT)理事,中国翻译协会理事,香港大学比较文学荣誉教授,澳门理工学院理工-贝尔英语中心教授、中心主任。现任汕头大学文学院院长、英语语言中心主任,国际跨文化传播研究学会执行长官,中国中美比较文化研究会副会长, 澳门翻译联合会理事長,汕头外语翻译协会会长。主要研究领域包括英语语言文学文化研究、电影文化、翻译与文化、跨文化传播学研究等。
