Legal Environment of Business in Republic of North Macedonia
主讲人:Prof. Goran Koevski, PhD/戈兰 ·柯维斯基教授
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University/圣基里尔·麦托迪大学
主持人:余向阳 副教授 外国语学院行政副院长
Dr. Yu Xiang-yangVice Dean of Administration
评论人:方唯 副教授 Dr. Vitkovska Frosina
讲座方式:腾讯会议/Tencent Meeting
会议代码:327 311 183
讲座时间:2021年9月17日晚7点/7PM, Sept 17th
戈兰 ·柯维斯基先生是一位法律教授,曾任该国知名公立大学——圣基里尔·麦托迪大学法学院院长,他研究《北马其顿共和国公司法》长达30余年,为其修改、实施、完善作出了巨大贡献。戈兰 ·柯维斯基曾在众多知名大学和机构进行访问,包括:马克斯普朗克国际和比较私法研究所(汉堡市,德国)、哥伦比亚大学(纽约市,美国)、爱丁堡赫瑞瓦特大学(英国)等。在其国内外发表了多篇论文,包括马其顿文、英文、塞尔维亚文:《根据比较法和北马其顿共和国适用法律的重组计划中税收研究 》、《北马其顿公司北部新公司设立的限制》等。著有《公司治理比较研究》,是《商业纠纷司法裁判趋势》、《自治商业合同实务研究》等的共同作者。此外,他还参加了众多与公司法相关的国际研究项目,主讲《公司法》、《破产法》、《证券法》、《公司治理和竞争法》本硕博课程。
Dr. Goran Koevski is a law professor and researcher, offering 30+ years continuous experience in developing, implementing and reforming Company Law in Republic of North Macedonia.He is involved in improving national business environment by actively participating in both, the background examination of the underlying policies and the drafting of pieces of legislation directly related to Company Law. He has been conducting research visits at many renown universities and institutes: Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Private Law in Hamburg, (Germany), Columbia University School of Law in New York City (USA), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK), etc. During his academic career he published numerous articles, papersin North Macedonia and abroad in Macedonian, English and Serbian language, including: Tax Aspects of Debt Relief Within Reorganization Plan According to Comparative Law and the Applicable Law in the Republic of North Macedonia, Restrictions Limiting the Establishment of New Companies under NorthernMacedonian Company Law etc. He is the author of the monograph Comparative Corporate Governance etc., co-author of Trends in Respect of Specialization of Commercial Disputes Judiciary, Contracts of Autonomous Business Practiceetc. He, also, participated in many international research projects associated to Company Law.He lectures Company Law, Bankruptcy Law, Securities Law, Corporate Governance and Competition Law courses on graduate, postgraduate and doctoral level.
在本讲座中,戈兰 ·柯维斯基教授将概述关于在北马其顿共和国开展商业业务的法律框架。从南斯拉夫的解体开始并在1991年获得独立国家的地位,北马其顿进入了一个大规模的立法期,以规范其不断变化的政治和经济情势。其分析将聚焦私法立法,例如:《公司法》、《财产法》和《合同法》,也会谈到外国投资的优惠待遇方面。 最后,将详细阐述欧盟私法被吸收进入北马其顿国家法律框架的新趋势。
In his presentation titled as Legal Environment of Business in the RN Macedonia Prof. Koevski will give a general overview of the legal framework regarding doing business in North Macedonia. Starting from the breakup of Yugoslavia and gaining its status of an independent state in 1991, North Macedonia entered into a massive legislation period in which many laws were adopted to regulate the politically and economically changing society. The main focus in the analyses will be primarily given to the private law legislative pieces, such as: Company Law,Property Law and Contract Law. Preferential treatment aspects of foreign investments will be addressed too. Finally, new trends towards transposition of the EU private law acquis into the Macedonian national legal framework will be elaborated.