讲座主题: Standards As a Major Tool to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Translation and Interpreting标准如何作为提高对翻译工作重要性认识的主要工具
讲座时间: 2018年6月21日(周四) 14:00—15:40
地点: 文波楼语音三楼同传教室
主讲人:Veronica Perez Guarnieri
Dr. Verónica Pérez Guarnieri is a Conference Interpreter, English Professor and Certified Translator from Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ms. Pérez Guarnieri is an interpreter and translator with more than 20 years’ experience working for international agencies such as the UN, the OAS, FIFA, FAO, World Rugby, The American Embassy, The British Council and The Green Climate Fund, in addition to multinational companies and government agencies. In 2015 she joined Calliope -Interpreters, the prestigious international network of consultant interpreters. Ms. Veronica Perez Pérez Guarnieri is an Adjunct Professor of “Interpretation” at the School for Certified Translators at Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In addition, she is Full Professor of “Sight Translation” at the School for the technical specialization in Conference Interpreting at the I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, Buenos Aires, Argentina. A member of CTPCBA, ADICA and EULITA, Verónica also sits on AIIC’s Advisory Board, as Coordinator of AIIC-New Interpreters Network VEGA, and she is also a member of the AIIC Court and Legal Interpreting Committee. In 2016 she was elected to the Executive Council of the Professional Association of Certified Translators of the City of Buenos Aires (Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), where she serves as Vice President of the institution. Ms. Pérez Guarnieri has served as the Convener of Working Group of the International Standards Organization (ISO) made up by 80 experts who are working on the standardization of translation and interpreting for almost six years. She is the Project Leader of ISO 18841 “Interpreting-Requirements and Recommendations”,the first international umbrella standard on interpreting.
International and national standards can be applied everywhere and touch everyone. Standards provide specifications to ensure products and services work the best possible way to improve customer satisfaction and raise awareness about the quality of service to require. This presentation will describe the international standardization process in general in the field of translation and interpreting. Information will be provided as to how to integrate a study group at international and national levels, and about how to navigate the hard-to-understand standardization process. A quick overview will be given of the standards already published in the field of translation and interpreting and of the work under way.